Sunday, June 8, 2014

Day 14, 15, 16 Summer Adventure

Day 14, Friday: Destroyed a few more dandelions and clovers today.  I finished recording all of my classroom library books on an Excel spreadsheet.  I was about 90% done when I learned about an app that you can scan the bar code and it will put them in a digital library list.  Maybe next summer:)

Day 15, Saturday:  Morning fun ~ this ended a journey that was started about four months ago.  One of my students was diagnosed with a tumor on the optic nerve at seven months old.  This particular student had undergone chemotherapy last year, which proved to be unsuccessful.  During May of this year my student started an experimental chemo pill.  My student has a deep love for the game of football, with the Steelers being the ultimate team.  The student's second grade teacher shared this love of the Steelers.  She and I set out to get an autographed photograph of Troy Polamalu (favorite player).  We were unsuccessful.  Fortunately, the superintendent of schools heard me telling the principal (whom is also a Steelers fan) that we hadn't heard anything for over a month.  The superintendent said his friend might be able to help, as he goes to the Steelers Football Fantasy Camp each year.  After several emails, texts, and telephone calls the friend let me know that he had successfully acquired some signed memorabilia from several past players.  So, this morning the friend came to Sibley and presented my student with two bags full of Steelers signed items.  The highlight was a miniature football helmet signed by Troy Polamalu!  It made this kids day!  God bless people who are willing to bring joy into other peoples lives.

Day 16, today, Sunday:  Best event of today was attending mass.  A former student of B.J.'s was celebrating his first mass at our church and will be a deacon for the next year.  Next June he will have is Ordination to be a priest.  It was truly a blessing to see how far this young gentleman has come.

This evening we had a date.  Ate tacos and went to the movie "Maleficent".  Great fairy tale!

Reading:  "Penelope Crumb" ~ poor little girl has large nose and her best friend is the one who broke the news to her.  Penelope's mom told her that her nose comes from her father's side of the family.  This has intrigued Penelope.  We'll see what happens!  I also found a few books at school that I want to reread.  Maybe get some choral reading script ideas!

Writing:  In my spare time this weekend I've been working on my class.  I've written two papers.  The videos and questions really get me thinking about my teaching.

Running:  Walking with the 'weed warrior' and riding the bike, about 13 miles this weekend.

Simple Joy:  completing projects & starting new ones!

Neighborhood Happening:  Across the backyard ~ screened porch gone, breaking up the concrete, future plans to add a room to their home!

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